Sleaford once again hosted our good friends from Marquette-Lez-Lille and Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf over the weekend of the 24th-27th August. The first group to arrive were the Germans, having flown in from Berlin.The French coach arrived late afternoon, with both groups on time. After a quick welcome and reunion in the Town Hall, the guests then went […]
The past two years have dealt a significant blow to Twinning activities. However, we aspire to look head with a positive attitude in 2022. Past and recent events show that the future is unpredictable but this should not inhibit sensible planning in an attempt to resume exchange visits. Here in the UK we have decided […]
Sleaford hosted the last twinning visit of 2019 at the end of September, 20 years almost to the day after the Twinning Charter with Marquette-lez-Lille was signed here in Sleaford and 10 years after the Sleaford signing of the Twinning Charter with Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf. The visitors arrived on Thursday afternoon, as usual, first the German group […]
Last weekend it was time for the first of the twinning meetings which take place between Sleaford, Marquette-lez-Lille and Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf each year. This first meeting of 2019 was in Marquette and involved forty visitors from here and from Germany and a similar number of French hosts. Despite some heavy showers, a good time was had […]