The past two years have dealt a significant blow to Twinning activities. However, we aspire to look head with a positive attitude in 2022. Past and recent events show that the future is unpredictable but this should not inhibit sensible planning in an attempt to resume exchange visits.
Here in the UK we have decided that in 2022 - Thursday 28th to Sunday 31st July, coinciding with the Heckington Show, will provide a fine opportunity for a visit from our French and German friends.
Many will appreciate that a feature of the Twinning visits is hosting here in the UK and when in France and Germany. In the past a significant number of members have been able to offer accommodation and we will be seeking this again early next year closer to the planned exchange.
So at this stage please be alert to the dates set out above and reserve these in your calendar.
I will contact you in the New Year with an update and an invitation to host.
Anthony Brand
Accommodation Organiser